
About This Project

The amount of information provided by peer-reviewed scientific literature citation indexes such as Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), CrossRef and OpenCitations is huge: it offers users a lot of metadata about publications, such as the list of papers written by a specific author, the editorial and content details of a paper, the list of references and citations.

Also, although these repositories contain millions of publications, none of them is exhaustive, and none of them offers the possibility to aggregate data contained in the other ones.
In order to offer a solution to these open issues, we have modelled and implemented, VisualBib, a Web app prototype conceived with the objective to allow the users to:

  • generate, save and share visual holistic representations of bibliographies, in the form of narrative views;
  • explore the network of cited/citing references starting from a limited set of papers, in order to opportunely expand the bibliography;
  • visualize their personal scientific path, through the sequence of their significant works on a certain research topic;
  • retrieve papers’ metadata in real-time from multiple online repositories and not from a static dataset.
visual organizers