11 Apr Futura Trieste – 11/04/2019
From 10th to 12th of April 2019 – at Stazione Marittima in Trieste – Futura Trieste will take place, three-day event, completely dedicated to the national digital school plan and promoted by MIUR.
On April 11th 2019 Marco Corbatto and Antonina Dattolo will present, from 16.30 to 18.00, at Sala Galilei: AppInventory:le app 2.0 per la didattica e l’apprendimento.
The Web offers numerous contents for teaching and learning. The number of existing applications is very high and it is often difficult to identify which apps use to collaborate, communicate, create and share digital artifacts.
An innovative and easy-to-use support for orientation among the many tools on Web is AppInventory, the new multimedia application catalog, available online, which proposes and describes them through detailed forms, video presentations, evaluations, comments and use cases.
For further information and to book a place, go to: Eventbrite – AppInventory:le app 2.0 per la didattica e l’apprendimento.