05 May FEBA book presentation – 7/05/2019
On Tuesday 7th May 2019, at 4.00 p.m at the Polo of Santa Chiara in Gorizia. The authors – Graziella Coni and Marzia Fabro – speak of FEBA book.
– Introduced by Antonina Dattolo (Rector’s Delegate for digital inclusion at the University of Udine)
– Moderated by Cristina Feresin (reporter for Il Piccolo)
Borderland, Friuli. Fertile and juicy, cradle of stories and ancient passages. Sunny land, Sardinia. Transparent sea that conceal memories of violence. Two women dig into their families’ past to try to catch their dreams. Guided by ancient words, they are pushed towards a meeting place where space and time stop. Shy protagonists of this novel, Nika and Greta, prefer to let the characters of their past speak. They emerge only to pull the strings of the story, to bring order, to extricate themselves from the tangled network of emotions that the memories bring to the surface. And, on the wings of their plots, Nika and Greta retrace the paths of war, Carso where the sumac grows luxuriantly, whose autumn leaves, due to the mockery of nature, are tinged with blood red for the future memory of the people who admire it . In each of its leaves flows the blood of war, in each of its ribs the name of a soldier is engraved.
With a poetic and incisive prose, the authors realize the fragile universe of memories.
For more information and to secure a place, book it on: Eventbrite – FEBA