26 Nov AppInventory: the new multimedia catalogue of the app – 28/11/2018
On 28 november 2018, at 4.00 pm in Aula Magna, Polo Santa Chiara a Gorizia, Santa Chiara 1 (Download the flyer), will be held the seminar
“AppInventory: the new multimedia catalogue of the app”.
The seminar aims to inform participants about the potential of the tools available on the Web for digital teaching and the opportunities they offer for the implementation of active learning approaches and centered on students.
To secure your place, book it up on: Eventbrite – AppInventory: il nuovo catalogo multimediale delle app
For all teachers, the participation at the seminar is recognized as a training activity only after registration through the Miur S.O.F.I.A. platform.
We are waiting for you!
4.00 pm, Aula Magna
Presentation of the Uniud for All initiative
Presentation of the AppInventory project
Presentation of the AppInventory web platform
5.30 pm, Computer Labs
Demo and evaluation of the platform
Antonina Dattolo
Deputy Rector for Digital Inclusion, head of the SASWEB Research Laboratory (Semantic Adaptive Social Web), Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics of the University of Udine and of the Research Unit of the National Institute of High Mathematics “F. Severi “- INDAM – at the University of Udine
She teaches Web Technologies and Semantic Web at the University of Udine.
Marco Corbatto
PhD student in Computer Science and Mathematics and Physics at the University of Udine.
IT teacher at the ISIS “Galilei” of Gorizia.
More info on:
Web site: http://digitaluniudforall.uniud.it
E-mail: uniudforall@uniud.it